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Open Offers (under Takeover Regulations)


Ensure that you are aware of all competitive offers and revision of offer before deciding on accepting the offer

Refer to national dailies/ SEBI website for details of competitive offers or revisions of offers

Note that the offer is subject to statutory approvals, if any, mentioned in the letter of offer

Check whether the offer will result in delisting of the company

In case of demateralised equity shares, ensure credit is received to the Special Depository Account before the closure of the Offer

Carefully note the timings/days for hand delivery of the documents mentioned in the letter of offer

Wait till the last date for Offer Revision (i.e. 7 working days prior to date of closing of offer) before tendering your acceptance

Submit the Form of Withdrawal accompanying the letter of offer at any specified collection center up to 3 working days before date of closing of the offer in case you want to withdraw the shares tendered

Ensure that signatures on the Form of Acceptance, Transfer Deed, Depository Instruction and Form of Withdrawal are same and in the same order as those lodged with the company

Contact Compliance Officer mentioned in the letter of offer in case of any grievance against the company

In case of non receipt of the Offer Document, you can tender or withdraw from the Offer by making an application on a plain paper giving the necessary details


Don’t wait for the last date for the closure of the offer for tendering your acceptance

Don’t fill in the details of the buyer/transferee in the transfer deed to be sent

Don’t file an incomplete application form/invalid documents


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