The Awareness programs will be implemented through different Partner Institution under the overall supervision of Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (IEPF), Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
Implementation process of IAPs through Professional Institutes (PIs)
- Investor Awareness Programmes (IAPs) shall be organized in association with Professional Institutes (PIs), Educational Institutes, local trade & business chambers etc. The concerned organization shall decide the venue, date, faculty/speaker and other related issues in consultation with Regional Directors of MCA.
- The desired number of participants in each programme conducted by the PIs should be 100 or more.
- While conducting IAPs, MP/MLA/Panchayat Representative/ Local public representative along with one officer from concerned ROC shall be invited to attend these programmes.
- PIs should not conduct more than four programmes in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad and their satellite towns in a month through their chapters. Further, not more than two programmes may be conducted in one capital city (other than mentioned above) in a month. It may also be ensured that programmes are held in different parts of the city to have maximum coverage of investors.
- As PIs have limited reach in small towns/cities, the programmes in district towns and small towns/ cities in a district will be conducted through Resource Persons (RPs).
- The following documents shall be submitted by RPs and PIs for the programmes organized by them to the Authority through the concerned Institute and uploaded on IEPF portal:
- A detailed write-up on the programme;
- Photographs; and
- Attendance sheet